The Great American Food Fight

New Book Cover

Winning The Battle For Your Family’s Health!

Over the last fifteen years as a health expert and a clinician it has become clear to me that our obesity and food related disease epidemic is not just about people being lazy and having little discipline.

In recent years more and more of my patients are having difficulty losing weight. The patients who did drop belly fat often would return within a year with the same issues and sometimes have even gained more than where they started.

About The Author

Dr Brent Baldasare
Dr. Brent Baldasare
has been a leader in health & wellness for over twenty years. His passion for learning and teaching is contagious. What began as a young person’s desire to help people transform the quality of their lives has grown into Baldasare’s lifelong crusade.

Known for his smart straight talk about food and fitness, Dr. Baldasare helps you navigate through the hype of conflicting health information so you can enjoy great food, better health and a more hopeful future.

Dr. Baldasare is the co-founder of Affinity Integrated Health & Wellness Center located in Orlando, FL. He takes the science of wellness and turns it into an easy-to-follow health message that people can understand and live by. He is a frequent lecturer on college campuses and wellness seminars. He began this project with the intent of providing simple, sound nutritional advice to his audiences and patients, particularly to those who were struggling with obesity and weight-related health problems.

As many still are, he was originally convinced that the obesity epidemic was rooted in poor individual choices—a lack of exercise, ignorance about nutrition, and the failure to take responsibility for one’s personal health. He embarked on a personal quest to learn more about why Americans are becoming fatter, and sicker. THE GREAT AMERICAN FOOD FIGHT is the result of that quest.

Deep research into our horribly broken food system has convinced him that the obesity epidemic is not about gluttony and sloth. Rather it is being fueled by economic and biotechnical factors that insidiously influence our personal choices.

What Food Experts Are Saying

“The Great American Food Fight by Dr. Brent Baldasare is an eye-opening book on the topic of food and diet. In its pages you will discover what we can do to restore consumer choice within American communities and eat healthier in the process. The Great American Food Fight is a book you should read and a battle we all should be engaged in.”

Jordan Rubin

Jordan Rubin NMD, PhD
New York Times Bestselling author
Founder Garden of Life & Beyond Organic

“The Great American Food Fight is a brilliant and thoughtful look at what’s gone wrong and why millions of people are suffering needlessly. And it’s a powerful invitation to step into a new food future.

This looks like a book. But in reality, it could be a game
changer for you and for our planet.”


Ocean Robbins, CEO
Food Revolution Network
