The major biotech players and the industry shills in their pockets are quick to accuse those who oppose GMOs of being “anti-science.” We’re the Luddites, we’re told, not just standing in the way of progress, but morally equivalent to climate change deniers in obstructing the only possible path for feeding the world.

From the very beginning, however, there was pitiful little science in the rush to push GMO foods down the throat of the American public. The FDA suppressed the objections of genuine scientists who argued that the processes of genetic engineering and traditional breeding were different and thus entailed different risks. Official policy, developed without testing and in a matter of months, declared the opposite. GMOs were substantially equivalent and there was no need even to label them.

With the science on genetic engineering officially “settled,” monetization of the world’s food supply could get underway in earnest. Public funding for conventional breeding all but dried up as resources poured into new GE research and development.

The biotech industry hasn’t made it easy to add to the science on genetically engineered food. But it’s been more than twenty years now. The real science is coming in. On almost every criteria, the grand GMO experiment rates an F.
GMO technology has

  • 628e97_fa02925cec7446e190805c8af15d85baFailed to reduce pesticide use.
  • Failed to increase agricultural yield
  • Failed to reduce food prices
  • Failed to address food scarcity
  • Failed to provide economic benefits to testosterone cypionate small farmers
  • Failed to conserve natural resources like water, soil, and biodiversity

While Big Ag, our government, and much of the media continue to operate as though the debate is over, GMO safety has NOT been

assured,  and there is NO SCIENTIFIC CONSENSUS on GMO safety.

Research For Fighting Back

Food and Water Watch
Nonprofit working to ensure the food, water and fish we consume is safe, accessible and sustainably produced

Institute for Responsible Technology
World leader in educating policy makers and the public about genetically modified (GM) foods and crops

Organic Consumers Organization
Non-profit ocused on promoting the interests of the nation’s estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible consumers.

Center for Food Safety
Non-profit working to protect human health and the environment

Non-GMO Project
Non-profit committed to preserving and building sources of non-GMO products, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Alliance of more than 400,000 citizens and scientists working to preserve science-based safeguards
